Session B2: Genotype/Phenotype & Disease
Tuesday April 4
11:00 - 12:30, room Azië 1-2
- Arlin Keo, LUMC (11:00 - 11:22)
Spatial gene co-expression analysis suggests ATN1 and ATXN2 interact with HTT in brain regions associated with Huntington’s disease - Kyoko Watanabe, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (11:22 - 11:44)
FUMA: Functional mapping and annotation of genetic associations - Joske Ubels, Utrecht UMC (11:44 - 12:06)
TOPSPIN: a novel algorithm to predict treatment specific survival in cancer - Christian Gilissen, Radboudumc (PI-talk/Chair) (12:06 - 12:30)
Statistical analyses of large-scale exome trio datasets of intellectual disability patients identify novel candidate disease genes
BioSB 2017
Registration website for BioSB 2017Femke
Femke Francissenfemke.francissen@biosb.nl
BioSB 2017BioSB 20170.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference Centre De WereltConference Centre De WereltWesthofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren Netherlands